Churchlands Independent

I wonder what the voters of Churchlands actually want?

want from the 2025 federal election, that is?

I claim that I could be a "typical" churchlands voter, so examine my own "wants".
... no help at all :-(

there are levels to this...

Churchlands is a Federal electorate.
If I run for in Churchlands
... or should that be Curtin?
... what will voters want -- at at the federal level?
Peace on Earth, goodwill to all fellow Australians? oh, definitely :-)

the state paper wants me to focus on state issues: attack all Eastern Stater governments and focus only on the leadership of WA Libs.

then there are community issues: the need for a public toilet by Herdsman Lake. An improved frontage for the high school.
are these issues relevant for a federal election campaign?

and what of "individual" concerns?

do individual voters want a campaign to focus on, well, i don't know
... law and order? cost of living? education and welfare?

... national/ federal, state, community, individual... ?

a group of Churchlands voters formed, to present a united view.

Churchlands Independent.
( I'll call you "CI")

CI  had a couple of meetings.
went quiet.

I wonder if they formed a consensus view?


CI... Churchlands Independent: a group of electors who want to support Churchlands.

Please tell me what you want! I may agree
... I may disagree.
... I'll let you know.

I already know things
... I need to know more... especially, more of what other voters know  -- and want.

I think for myself... which is too limited for a federal election.

CI, please contact me.
... tell me your thoughts, opinions,
... election issues?

post comments to this blog

Visible to all blog readers, yes. Open for further discussion.

Each posted comment will also get directly to me.

democratic discussion in action :-)

Oh, if you are rude
... by my standards
... democracy is out the window.

My blog, my rules.
But I will still be listening :-)

... Nick

You can not Back into the Future
dying for you to read it :-)


Dr Nick Lethbridge
Consulting Dexitroboper



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